Sunday, April 1, 2001

Tanner's Remorse? - Press Release

Science, Nutrition and Adrienne Brennan’s “Freschezza”
Skin Care Line Provides a Remedy

(Newport Beach, CA -- June 2001) Skin care specialist, TV personality and former LAPD cop, Adrienne Brennan has a love/hate relationship with the Sun. Today, she’s on a rampage to inform sun worshipers about the damage incurred while playing in the Sun.

“Recent scientific evidence has demonstrated that we can literally reverse sun damage,” she points out. “Nevertheless, this is not a license to over expose the skin to the Sun. At the end of the summer when sunbathers are back indoors, some of them will have what I like to call Tanner’s Remorse.”

In order to help these people, Brennan has a simple RX: “Basically, you want to increase the cell turnover deep in your skin, and you want to cause your body to create internal collagen and elastic production.” All that can be accomplished with certain anti-aging and moisturizing skin care products like the ones offered by Adrienne Brennan’s skin care line, Freschezza, which uses exclusive botanical extracts to revitalize and nourish the skin.

It has only been within the last 15 years that we have discovered the damaging effects of UVA, a killer light responsible for about 15-20 percent of sunburn. UVA penetrates deep into the dermis and damages the cellular DNA. Over time UVA will weaken collagen and elastin tissue, crucial to young, firm and wrinkle free skin. UVA is present during summer and winter and is a serious problem when the sun is strongest (between 11am – 2pm). UVA also increases with altitude!

If there are still any sun-worshiping doubters left, they should raise their arms to the Sun for evidence. Says Brennan: “If you look at any part of your body that is not exposed to the sun, for example your underarm, you’ll see this skin, obviously the same age as the skin on your nose, is for the most part plump, supple and unwrinkled. That is how the face would look, science tells us, if we avoided direct Sun exposure.”

There is no better skin comparison test used to underscore the point that the Sun is the number one cause of skin damage and aging. Actually, there is one more chilling comparison. People in Ireland do not have the same incidence of skin cancer as they do in the United States. That fact is the difference between a sunny and an overcast climate.

While Brennan ranks the Sun as the major villain, she lists other culprits. 1) Environmental toxins because these critters carry free radicals. 2) Vitamin deficiencies in A, C and E, because so many of us eat processed foods. 3) Smoking and even second-hand smoke, which some say is more damaging than first-hand smoke. 4) Stress. 5) Excessive alcohol consumption because it is dehydrating. 6) Sleep deprivation.

Add to the list the physiological reasons that create unhealthy skin. In our 30s, the glands that produce the critical skin oils begin to go on strike. By age 40 or 50 the skin thins and loses the critical fat layer which keeps it so plump. Furthermore, fibroblasts, which constantly replenish the elastin and collagen in our skin, lose their ability to function.

“Basically, your body loses it’s ability to repair free radical damage and automatic cell repair,” adds Brennan. “Under the age of 30, skin cell turnover occurs every 28 days. A little more than a decade later skin cell turnover is between 45-50 days.

The use of topical creams with antioxidants (included in the Freschezza line) can stop or reverse the free radicals by actually rendering them harmless. Cells use oxygen to produce energy in our body. In the process, they produce free radicals which are unstable oxygen molecules. Free radicals are also produced by excessive sunlight, environmental toxins, and smoke pollution. In fact, today many scientists believe that free radicals are the cause of aging internally as well as externally.

The good news! Acting on scientific information, we can correct the damage.

Brennan: “We can modify what we eat by increasing the intake of vitamins A, C and E; or by supplementing our diets with those vitamins. Eat foods that are rich in those vitamins, by selecting fruits and vegetables with a high color intensity. Foods like broccoli or cantaloupe possess high amounts of antioxidants.”

What Brennan advocates is not difficult to ingest: avocados, berries, cantaloupe, pineapple, tomatoes and green vegetables. “The very best food you can put in your mouth is salmon because of the omega 3 fatty acids and high protein,” she says. “Switch from chicken to salmon Caesar salad when you lunch with the ladies.”

According to Brennan, sugar is absolutely lethal to the aging process of the skin. Today, many agree with her. According to Nicholas Piricone, M.D., Assistant Clinical Professor of Dermatology at Yale University School of Medicine, the glucose acts like a toxin directly attacking the collagen. When the glucose attaches to the protein area of the collagen, it causes the collagen to cross-link, becoming stiff and inflexible. That’s what leads to wrinkling.

Brennan offers a simple RX for Tanner’s Remorse:

Use a topical exfoliate. You must exfoliate the old dead skin from your body by using a loofa or exfoliating scrub. Combine this process with a chemical exfoliate such as Retinal, the purest form of Vitamin A. This will reduce the visible signs of aging by stimulating collagen and elastin production and acceleration of cell turnover. You can actually return your skin cells to the youthful activity replicating the 28-day turnover if you follow this routine.

Use topical antioxidants. By reversing the free radicals damage with the most effective Vitamin C Ester, ascolbyl palmitate, the skin is protected by the inherent liposomes. Vitamin C is essential for production of collagen, and can absorb past the outer skin layers, penetrating and nourishing the new cells.

According Olga Marko, Ph.D., a cellular biologist, Vitamin C stimulates the growth of fibroblasts, those essentials which constantly replenish the elastin and collagen in our skin.

With the combination A and C used in Brennan’s skin care product line, Freschezza, the collagen and elastin in the skin are routinely stimulated. In addition, Freschezza products provide soothing anti-inflammatory ingredients, including green tea extract, the natural anti-inflammatory Aloe Vera plant and chamomile, all of which help calm any irritations from the Retinal. Freschezza products include olive oil, a natural emollient and a wonderful source of fatty acids.

Skin damage is most easily seen in the brown spots on the back of hands or on the shins. In order to reverse these, Freschezza has a fade-away cream which includes all those ‘age reversing’ ingredients, with the addition of hydroquinone. The natural bearberry acids yield the prerequisite amounts of hydroquinone.

Finally, Adrienne Brennan is a fanatic about exercise. “You can actually live to be more than 100 years if you keep your body running like the machine it was meant to be.”


1) Wear a broad spectrum (UVA and UVB) sunscreen.

2) Wear protective clothes (hats, long sleeves, and umbrellas).

3) Seek shade especially between the hours of 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.; or if the skin is very fair, remain out of the sun between the hours of 10:00 a.m.-4:00 p.m.

Sunburn Facts

1) Sunburn peaks in 20 hours

2) It become visible 8 hours

3) It begins healing in 48 hours

About the Freschezza Skin Care Product Line

Freschezza,, is a skin care beauty line that is simple and efficient as well as pure. Its development is the result of intense market research, which combines proprietary scientific technology with pure nature to help achieve perfectly balanced skin protection from further environmental damage. Each Freschezza product contains a unique blend of active ingredients designed to reverse the signs of aging, prevent future signs of aging, and create perfect skin health. Freschezza fights free radicals (as an antioxidant) and helps to boost collagen formation. While minimizing fine lines and wrinkles, the Freschezza products stimulate the growth of healthy new cells.

Freschezza uses exclusive Botanical Extracts to revitalize and nourish the skin. For example, Panthenol is an intense moisturizing and balancing agent. Other major ingredients such as olive oil and Vitamin E also help to moisturize and nourish the skin. Freschezza’s antioxidant products protect the skin, requiring the use of sunscreen on a daily basis.

Adrienne Brennan and Salon & Spa owner Scott Fontana teamed to create the skin care line known as Freschezza (Fresh-ay-za), an anti-aging skin care line targeted for women over 40 years.


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